6 Ways to Give Back to Your Community This Year

You might not realize it, but you have something in abundance. It could be talent, or perhaps time, or maybe — if you’re fortunate — money.

Whatever it is, it’s yours to give. And if you’ve been yearning for a way to feel more useful, more meaningful, then you’re ready to begin giving it.

Now, the question is how best to share what you have in abundance. Consider these five free ideas — easy ways to give back to your community sooner rather than later.

1. Become an Angel Investor

If money is what you have in abundance, consider supporting the entrepreneurs in your midst as an angel investor

An angel investor is someone who provides startup capital with relatively few strings attached. Most expect to be repaid, with interest, but many forgo ownership stakes, board seats, or other “asks” more common among later-stage investors.

Of course, if you have not only money but expertise, you may wish to advise the companies you fund directly (as a strategic advisor or even an employee taking only a token salary) or indirectly (as a board member). The choice is yours.

2. Volunteer Your Time at a Local School

America’s schools, by and large, could use more resources. It’s perfectly fine to make in-kind donations (school supplies, sports equipment, nonperishable food, and the like) to your local schools, but it’s also likely that your time and presence would add immense value. 

With that in mind, consider picking up volunteer shifts to support school libraries, transportation services, athletics, field trips, and other initiatives. Be prepared to undergo a background check and meet stricter qualification criteria than volunteers at organizations that don’t serve minor children.

3. Donate to Community-Building Organizations

Many local nonprofits and advocacy organizations operate on shoestring budgets. They rely on volunteer or part-time labor, donated supplies, and “gifted” (often temporary) workspaces.

In other words, every little bit helps. And there’s an abundance of deserving organizations awaiting your support, such as:

  • Community centers
  • Amateur athletics leagues
  • Small business associations
  • Community-based public safety organizations
  • Improvement districts
  • Civic participation groups, such as get-out-the-vote organizations

With so many options, you can easily tailor your support to groups that best align with your personal values. You can also choose how best to support these groups, whether by making in-kind donations, financial contributions, commitments of your time, pro bono work relationships, and more.

4. Join a Parent or Citizen Committee

If you have school-age children or care about your community — or perhaps both — you may wish to join a parent or citizen advisory committee to weigh in on issues affecting your family and neighbors. These are generally volunteer-based organizations that may require a few hours of your time each month, though perhaps more if you take on a leadership role.

5. Participate in Community Cleanup Days

Many local governments, community organizations, and private enterprises sponsor community cleanup days. At these events, participants pick up litter, clean up graffiti, wash walls, and perform other sorely needed beautification tasks that leave everyone feeling a bit better about their surroundings. It’s a wonderful way to get some fresh air while doing your part to improve your hometown.

How Do You Give Back?

We all have the privilege of choosing how we give back to our communities.

Some of us are fortunate to be able to act as angel investors who provide crucial financial support to entrepreneurs in their time of need. 

Others are volunteers at our schools, libraries, or other community organizations. Or we serve on community committees. Perhaps we even run for office.

All of us face limits on our time and resources. Yet we’re capable of much more than we give ourselves credit for. Imagine if all of us gave back as we were able — our communities would be very different places indeed.