Browsing CategoryAuto

Can a Vehicle Accident Change Your Life?

If you are lucky all the years you spend out on the roads, you will never be involved in an auto accident. Unfortunately, too many drivers and passengers do end up becoming accident stats. For some of them, the results can be fatal. With that in mind, what can you do to lower the odds of becoming the next statistic? Also, what should you do if you’ve been in an accident? Your Health Matters the Most At the end of the day, your physical and emotional well-being is of course what matters most. That said you sometimes do not have…

Were You in a Hit and Run Accident Lately?

Many people have to deal with auto accidents in their years of driving or being passengers in a vehicle. That said what do you need to think of if you in fact end up being the victim of a hit and run? From potential physical damage to you and the vehicle to the financial fallout, a hit and run can have an impact. So, how best to handle one when it has your name on it? Your Physical Well-Being is Most Important In recovering from a hit and run accident, here are some things you want to concentrate on: 1.…

4 Tips for Hiring Better Delivery Drivers

Hiring the best people should always be the goal for companies. But sometimes other priorities seem to get in the way, even with the best of intentions.  Therefore, it’s useful to consider how best to go about securing better delivery drivers to be part of your team. There’s plenty of competing firms trying to scoop up available drivers right now, so the best drivers get the pick of their assignments. What will attract them to work for your business? Here are four tips for hiring better delivery drivers.  1. Provide a Range of Driving Roles Whilst some older drivers may…

6 trends that are changing the car industry

Cars have been around since the late 1800s. A lot has changed since pioneers like the Model T, and the car industry is still developing. What are the biggests trends shaping its future? 1. Government pushing for electric cars The pandemic is indeed a huge catastrophe and so will future pandemics (sadly) also be. Climate change, however, is arguably still the biggest threat to human existence. Left to its own devices, it will make life extremely difficult for everyone – and the clock is ticking.  CO2 from cars is responsible for 12 % of the emissions in the EU. In…

What Are Advantages to Buying a Used Vehicle?

If leaning towards buying another vehicle soon, you want to drive away in something you like and of value. So, has the thought of buying a used car or truck crossed your mind a time or two? If the answer is yes, it is important to do your homework and even keep your fingers crossed a bit. Do Your Homework Before You Buy The first thing you want to do in the used vehicle search is put plenty of time and effort into the search. Even if you come across a used vehicle on your first day of searching that…