Browsing CategoryAuto

The 3 Coolest Cars That Turns “Classic” This Year

When does a car get that “classic” status? According to the International Federation of Historic Vehicles, it´s when a car turns 30 years old, which means that we’re finally getting a great deal of iconic 90s classics. The thing about classic cars is that they don’t really have to be either rare or valuable, they are important pieces of motor history and play an important role in remembering the decades in which they were created. Usually, a car´s value decreases the second you drive it out of the dealership, and it keeps getting reduced for every mile you drive. When…

Car Insurance: Choose Wisely With These six tips

Car insurance is as essential as petrol is to make your car go. It would help if you had the protection of car insurance, but with all the options out there, it isn’t very easy to navigate the waters and make the right choice for your situation. Insurance can be costly, and factors that lead to the costly nature of insurance include: – A person driving record – Age – Your credit rating – The age of your car – The model of your car – The length of time you have been driving If you are new to insurance,…

Top 3 Pieces of Scooter Riding Gear for City Riding

Riding a scooter through city traffic is not for the faint-hearted! No matter the size of the city or the volume of the traffic, you want to make sure your gear protects you from the elements, conditions and accidents. Browsing for scooter gear can sometimes be overwhelming due to the great variety of brands, products, features and prices. Here’s a brief rundown of the top three pieces of city riding gear to help you out. And don’t worry, just as you can find motorcycle aftermarket parts on sale throughout the year, you can also find scooter riding gear on sale.…

3 Reasons to Focus on Buying Another Car or Truck

If the time is soon where you will be buying another vehicle, doing your research takes on importance. While it is okay to get some decisions wrong in life, buying a vehicle is not one of them. So, how focused will you be when it comes time to go car or truck shopping? Don’t Drive Off with a Loser As you go about looking for your next car or truck, keep these reasons in mind to why it is so important to focus: Finances – The last thing you want to do is drive off with something that will eat…

3 Things To Teach Your Teens About Being In A Car Accident

As a parent, there’s a lot that you’re responsible for regarding the care and nurture of your children. But as your child grows into a teenager, many parents feel that their role isn’t as important as when their children were younger. However, teens are often making much bigger decisions in their lives, which can often benefit from the guiding hand of a loving parent. One situation in which it helps a teen to have a parent present is when he or she is learning how to drive. While they can take classes, having a parent there to teach basic principles…