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3 Tips When You Are Going to Be a Mom

Does the idea of becoming a mom for the first time give you goose bumps? For so many women out there, becoming a mom for the first time was more than likely the highlight of their lives. That said do you feel a little overwhelmed with all there is to think about in becoming a mom? Where Will You Turn for Help? In getting the help you want and need when you are about to become a mom, here are three tips to keep in mind: 1. You do not have to do it all on your own – If…


The first year of a baby’s life is the most beautiful time as you watch them grow into a toddler. During the first few months, the flapjack recipe for babies provides your baby with the nutrients he or she needs to thrive. Naturally, homemade baby meals are simple and take less than 20 minutes to prepare. The recipes will include vitamins, fibers, minerals, and other nutrients that will aid in the development of the baby’s immune system. PEAR PUREE This is the quickest way to create fruit puree for your baby. It is also strong in vitamin C, which helps…

Using Nature To Look And Feel Our Best

It’s no secret that we start to notice things that didn’t bother us before as we age. It comes to us as superficial things like fine lines and wrinkles, maybe stretch marks after pregnancy, or weight gain. We also notice things internally that may ail us – sore muscles, chronic pain, inflammation. And, while modern medicine is invaluable, and we’re lucky to live in a time where doctors and scientists are learning about the human body and how to heal it at breakneck pace, sometimes, some of us prefer to turn to nature first. There is nothing wrong with initially…

Why aluminum packaging is better for your health

When it comes to choosing packaging material for your food, primarily, we want it to be safe for our health. Although the market is flooded with conventional packaging materials like plastics, glass, cardboard, and more, they all have some flaws that hinder their usability for food packaging. For instance, most of the plastic packaging contains BPA chemical agent that has been known infamously for its adverse concerns on our health, glass containers are easily broken, and paper packaging is not sturdy enough. However, aluminum packaging is one of those lifesavers when it comes to food-safe, secure, and efficient food packaging. …

Audrey Gelman – How The Image of Pregnancy in the Workplace Has Changed

Back in 2019 Audrey Gelman made a statement for the ages as she was featured on the front cover of Inc. magazine’s issue which celebrated the top 100 female founders in the world. Audrey created the co-working space Wings which is focused heavily on females in the workplace. In particular Audrey and her team wish to create a safe and comfortable environment for women working in all sectors of business, and Wings has gone on to become very successful indeed. As if her inclusion in this list wasn’t enough however, she went one step further and featured on the front…