Browsing CategoryHealth & Fitness

Dr Cletus Georges MD – Getting The Health Basics Right

Within the medical and health community there is very much a ‘back to basics’ approach being taken, which is something that we have moved too far away from. I was watching a brilliant interview with Dr. Cletus Georges MD last month, and the way he spoke about the basics of health were more stunning than they really should have been. The reality is that we are often so caught up in fad diets, calorie counting and any other newfangled approach to health, that we have forgotten what it is that really forms the foundation of our entire lifestyle. Here then…

What Would Improve Your World?

Making improvements in your world does not have to seem like such a difficult task. Take a look at how your life is going these days. Odds are you can determine where one or more changes will make a positive difference in your world. So, what changes might you be looking for soon? Life is Too Short Not to Enjoy it In looking at where you can see some improvements, focus in on the following: 1. Your career – Given most people need work, are you happy with your career situation as it stands now? Depending on your age, years…

Why Do You Need a Healthcare Real Estate Pro for Renting a Medical Office Space?

Renting a medical office space is a different ball game compared to renting other commercial properties. The office has to be set up according to the needs of your medical practice. Long-term commitments work well in these cases. Clauses like exclusivity could help protect your practice from the competition. Many such clauses come into play when renting a medical office space. With the help of healthcare real estate experts like Health Pro Realty Group, you could find and negotiate the best possible real estate deal for your medical practice.   Let us take a look at some of the reasons why you…

What Should You Look for in a Pain Management Plan

Silver Spring in Maryland has a population of about 79.8 thousand residents with a median age of 34.7. Adults are more prone to experiencing chronic pain. With a higher population of adults in Silver Spring, many may require an efficient pain management plan.  In the United States, around 50 million adults suffer from daily chronic pain. Such constant pain can cause significant inconvenience and hindrance to daily life and other activities. When suffering from constant pain, you require an efficient pain management plan. Make sure to look for the below factors while considering pain management Silver Spring MD: Appropriate Certification…

Get Yourself in a Better Mood

Do you feel at times as if your mood could be a lot better than it tends to be? If you said yes, now would be the right time to start working on that mood. Being in a bad mood all too often can lead to issues in the workplace, at home and more. With that thought in mind, what will you need to do when it comes to working on your mood? Be Pro-Active in Working on Your Mood As you look to find a consistent positive mood with which to work with, start by seeing if anything brings…