Preparing Your Child to Visit the Dentist

Going to the dentist can often be seen as a traumatic experience for many adults. You can only imagine how traumatic it will feel then when your child needs to go to the dentist. Children may not fully understand what goes on at the dental office and what is going to happen. They may only hear the stories that let their imaginations run wild as to what happens when you are in the dentist chair. In order to help your child overcome these fears, you want to spend some time getting them ready for a dental visit. A visit to the children’s dentist does not have to be a bad experience for anyone if you take the time to get your child prepared. Here are a few things you can do to get your child ready for a dental visit:


  • Choose the Right Dentist – It is important to know that not every dentist that treats adults also treats children or is adept at treating children. You want to be sure that you select a dentist that has experience working with children of all ages. They will have a greater understanding of what the child may be thinking or feeling when they come to the office so they will know just what to say and do to make your child feel relaxed about an exam or any procedures that need to be performed.
  • Have a Talk – Before your initial visit to the dentist, it is always a good idea to sit down and talk to your child about the visit. Let them know what they can expect to happen while they are at the dentist and in the chair. Explain to them what the hygienist will do to help them and also explain just what the dentist will do. You may even want to find a book at your local library, bookstore or even online that can help explain to your child what the experience may be like. Many parents even like to “role play” what a dental visit will be like so the child knows what to expect to happen.
  • Make it Relaxing – Try to make the experience as relaxing as possible for your child. Make an appointment that is at a time of day where it is not stressful for your child. Bring items to the waiting room to help keep them occupied and makes them feel comforted so they are more at ease right before the appointment.

If you take the time to prepare your child properly for their dental visit, the odds are more in your favor that everything will go smoothly. Of course it always helps if you make an appointment to see the best pediatric dentist in Katy, TX for your appointment. You will find that among the Katy kids dentist that Darling Dental is the best place for you to go. Dr. Darlington and his staff have great experience in working with children of all ages to provide them with the best dental visit.