Posts Tagged“auto”

Personal Finances and Your Auto Insurance

You’re careful when it comes to your personal finances. You pay your bills on time. You keep your credit score in line. You comparison shop. You don’t give in to impulse buying. You budget, at least in your mind if not in written form. You even have a savings account. But do you fudge when it comes to auto insurance? It’s tempting to have only the minimum coverage required, especially when your car loan is paid off and your car is getting older. There’s no doubt that this saves you money in the short term, but what about the long…

Good or Great? Which Kind of Driver Are You?

Everyone knows that teen drivers usually aren’t the best drivers. Most don’t have the judgment or experience to be great drivers right out of the gate. And there’s little doubt that as drivers age, they tend to lose their quick reflexes as well as suffer from impaired vision and hearing. But, what about you? You’re not a teen. You’re not a senior. You think of yourself as a good driver. If you’ve been driving for a while without an accident, you probably are good. But, admit it – driving’s become second nature. You probably do it without thinking. Haven’t you…

Everything You Need to Know About Car Loans in Malaysia

When you live in Malaysia, not having a car you can use to travel across the country is a hassle. Malaysia is comprised of different terrains, even if you are just traveling to neighbouring cities; which means buying a car, whether used or brand new, is a bit important. There are a lot of things you need to factor in when you are buying a car. Do you need it now? What is it going to be used for? But the most important question you need to think about is how you are going to pay for it. Getting a…

5 Advantages of Hiring a Car for Your Business

If you’re starting a small business or looking to expand your current business to a larger one, you don’t necessary have to fork out lots of money to buy new assets outright. You can hire larger space or offices to work in, and you can hire cars if this is a necessity for your business. For example, if you’re running a taxi service, a delivery company or a mobile service which requires a vehicle to get you from one place to another, hiring a car comes with lots of advantages. You don’t have a large amount to pay at the…

3 Keys to Driving Off with a New Car Deal

Has the time arrived where you need to drive off with a new car? If the answer is yes, how will you go about getting the best deal possible? For many consumers, they end up paying more than they should have. This happens for many reasons, some of which include: · Not shopping around for the best deal · Missing out on savings promotions both online and offline · Being in a hurry to get the vehicle without doing some good old-fashioned haggling So that you can get the best deal possible, always make it a point to be an…