Posts Tagged“love”

Holiday flirts with 50+

“A journey is a drink from the well of life!” The quote from Christian Friedrich Hebbel fits this topic perfectly. One the one hand, each journey – no matter if you travel for years or just a weekend – is an enrichment for mind, body and soul. On the other hand, every journey frees you from the boundaries of your day to day life. And if you feel free, flirting comes almost naturally – even more with 50+!      A short holiday for seniors … … does not need to take you to the other side of the world in…

Three Affordable First Date Ideas For Those Strapped For Cash

Everyone wants to make that first date perfect and memorable, and it is true that there is so much riding on that first encounter and those first moments of conversion. However, many people do not have the funds to create the dream date of walking along the beach, a dinner at a candle lit restaurant, or some other fantasy setting. This does not mean you cannot have a wonderful first date, it just means you have to think outside the box a little and get creative to make a great first date with what you have to work with. Here…