Posts Tagged“marketing”

A Good Time to Get Emotional: How to Use Sentiment in Online Marketing

On the surface, digital marketing can be so impersonal. Your engagement with your audience is barred with phone and tablet screens, ads that appear in the middle of your post, and relentless comments that bury the most relevant ones you should be replying to. How can you curb that distance? How can you still make sure you are able to get your branding message across and create an impact with your audience? Just one word: emotions. The efficacy of emotional marketing and advertising There is no greater tactic in digital marketing than evoking an emotional response from your audience. According…

Business Strategies for Fast Growth

2017 continues to usher in big changes for how to grow and maintain a successful business. The old ways of providing a great product into a receptive market still applies but the complications of getting this done have increased exponentially. Your competition used to be the business down the street and you could easily see what they were offering, where they sought to grow and what their specific market approach was as they were doing it. As a result you could plan your counter strategies and build barriers against them to keep your customers safely away from them. Today however,…

How a Leaflet Distribution Campaign can Boost Your Business’ Exposure and Sales

There are many approaches to distributing your message, and in this day and age it’s tempting to think that without some form of digital approach you’re bound for failure. Nothing could be further from the truth, however; whilst digital marketing certainly has its place, the good old-fashioned way of leaflet distribution continues to amaze marketing professionals. Direct marketing (via mail, phone, leaflets, and flyers) certainly isn’t dead – on the contrary, researchers have found that a whopping 35% of all recipients actually responded as a result of a leaflet dropped in through Royal Mail, and 30% of this led to…

10 Aspects of Marketing a Startup

Planning a startup is the best step for all entrepreneurs at heart. If you want to be your own boss and work in your own allotted time, then this is definitely your calling. A startup can incorporate your hobbies and talents and the best part is that you will earn money through it. All your finances will be in your hands and you will be able to work the best you can. But there are many different aspects that you need to consider while working on a startup. If you are planning to go ahead and start a company of…

The benefits of professional video production over cheap DIY

Video production shouldn’t be something easily dismissed as the quality of said video content can resonate heavily with how a project unfolds or catches on to the public. The results of hiring a professional videography company vary differently based on the type of project, initiative, business or ultimately just end that you are trying to achieve. However, as a general rule, not going for the cheaper solution of a freelancer or amateur is actually going to save you a lot of money in the long run. Pumping out video content for the sake of it might not be the best…