Posts Tagged“wellness”

Diet or Disorder? How Extreme Dieting Can Lead To Unhealthy Outcomes

Being healthy and happy continue noble life goals but come with some pretty severe baggage. The baggage of social pressure leads many to veer from common sense goals of moderation to knee-jerk crash diets. Eating a varied diet with plenty of veggies and fruits along with some grains and dairy should be accessible. However, stricter programs are de rigor. Many remain dismissive of the simpler range of guidelines given by groups like the CDC. The need to be the best, or to outdo even our own bodies leads to dangerous behaviors. Remember that mental healing is a large component of…

How to Stand Up for Yourself Without Losing Your Friends

Many of us go through life trying hard not to offend anyone and never really learning how to say the word “no.” It can be difficult to know how to stand up for yourself without offending anyone or feeling guilty. It’s something that can be learned, though. Check out these tips to make setting boundaries and standing up for yourself easier. Learn How to Stand Up For Yourself By Realizing It’s Okay to Say “No” You can’t please everyone all the time and there’s no sense running yourself ragged trying. Life is stressful and there’s only so much time in…

Family and Addiction: 5 Helpful Tips to Help a Family Member with Addiction

Family and addiction go hand-in-hand. Studies of twins have found that genetic predisposition accounts for 50-60% of alcohol dependence, with similar numbers for misuse of other substances. Addiction isn’t just passed down through family, it rips families apart. There’s a direct link between substance abuse and divorce or separation. If you’re coping with addiction in your family, here are five tips to keep you going. 1. Rebuild Trust Addiction thrives on dishonest behaviors like theft, lies, and blaming. The first step in helping your loved one is to rebuild trust. Be trustworthy yourself and give your loved one opportunities to…

New Year’s Day: Emergency Beauty Tips

Cold weather, rich food, late nights and drinking. They’re all bad for your skin and they’re all key components of a great NYE party. It seems inevitable that you’ll be wearing the evidence of your legendary New Year’s Eve on your face well into 2019, but it’s not the case! With a bit of preparation, planning and care, you can avoid that damage and start the new year looking your best! Planning If you’ve really been planning ahead you’ll have booked in for a relaxing, rejuvenating detox facial treatment on January the 1st. While your friends are trying to shift…

PCOS and Your Fertility

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, is a much more widespread condition than you might think. The NHS indicates as many one in five women may be living with PCOS, but accurate estimates are difficult as many are undiagnosed. The causes of the condition aren’t yet fully understood, with researchers exploring different possible genetic and environmental triggers, but the effects are better known. PCOS can cause weight gain, due to an excess of insulin, and this also causes your body to over-produce androgen, which leads to unwanted hair growth (known as hirsutism), skin discolouration, particularly around the back and buttocks, and…