Posts Tagged“wellness”

5 Ways To Maintain Health While Working at a Nonprofit

Nowadays, receiving disturbing news about people suffering due to poverty or disasters has become a common phenomenon. It’s, therefore, not a wonder to see people sacrificing their time to work for nonprofit organizations in a bid to help underprivileged individuals. Although they’re not rewarded with monetary benefits, nonprofit workers are driven by a strong sense of moral urgency that makes it difficult for them to set a limit on their work. From seeking funding to organizing gifts and putting together school fundraisers, it’s no surprise to find that self-care isn’t a priority for most nonprofit workers. However, in order to…

6 Quick Tips for Taking Care of Your Parents as They Age

Is it time to have THAT talk with Mom and Dad? Help them age with grace by checking out these 6 quick tips for taking care of your parents as they get older. Your parents reared you, cared for you when you were a youngster and it’s getting to that point where you may need to return the favor. Face it; your parents aren’t getting younger. With age comes difficulty caring for one’s self. Is it time for you to begin taking care of your parents? It might be a difficult discussion to have with your aging parents. Consider how…

6 Pregnancy-Friendly Foods You Can Safely Snack On

Congratulations, you’ve got a baby in the momma oven! But along with pregnancy comes several restrictions—completely reasonable, as you only want to create the safest, most nurturing environment for your baby. But just because you’re expecting doesn’t mean you have to expect dietary restrictions that will prevent you from happily snacking the day away. We’ve put together a list of healthy and pregnancy-friendly foods for you to try out: Unsweetened Cashew Milk Try a glass of unsweetened cashew milk to curb your daily dairy cravings. Cashews are especially healthy for pregnant women as they are rich in iron, dietary fiber,…

What You Need To Know About Becoming A Massage Therapist

So, you’re interested in becoming a massage therapist. You’ve made a great choice! This field leads to a lot of job satisfaction and you will find that you are excited to go to work every single day. Before you get started in the field of massage therapy, here is what you need to know. How Massage Helps People Massage isn’t just about making others feel good (although it does that too!). It is good for the mind, body and soul. It can help a client relax and deal with stress in a healthy way. Massage also has a lot of…

Getting you or a loved one help after a brain injury

The word rehabilitation has a great significance in medical terms. Be it addiction or injury, people need to rehabilitate to come back in their best form. Brain injury is one such condition where you or your loved one needs to rehabilitate after the necessary medical healing. Such a type of rehabilitation doesn’t limit to medical care but also needs support from family Unlike most cells of our body, the cells in our brain don’t regenerate when they destroy. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot recover. Our brain is flexible and can recognize them to the extent that it regains lost…